What Positions of Your Minister Do You Share?

I do not attend, the church of my choice, on a regular basis. My attendance dwindled when the minister, in my opinion, crossed the line from minister to politicians. I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state and thus when politics enters the sanctuary I am not inclined to be there.

When Senator McCain was endorsed by Rev. John Hagee a  televangelist the Democratic National Committee demanded that McCain renounce Hagee’s support because of past remarks made by the minister that was controversial. Does Senator McCain’s believe and agree with Rev. Hagee’s anti-Catholic and anti Muslin remarks?

Senator Obama, do you agree with your longtime spiritual advisor Rev. Jeremiah Wright when he says that African-Americans should not say “God Bless America,” but rather “God damn America.” Do you agree with Rev. Wright when he claims that Zionism contains “white racism”?